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DAP Health News

Stay up to date on DAP events and programs as well as healthcare research and legislation impacting our mission.

Silver Linings Found in the New Normal

April 24, 2020

Silver Linings Found in the New Normal Weekend Wrap Message- Saturday, April 25, From David Brinkman, Desert AIDS Project CEOWhen a Unicorn arrives holding a sign of support for DAP’s healthcare workers, you know it’s a signal to look for the silver linings in our ‘new normal’.Twice weekly, our Emergency Response Team reviews…

Free, confidential HIV and Hep C testing …

April 22, 2020

Free, confidential HIV and Hep C testing, plus $25 STI testing, at our mobile unitby Ruth Diaz De Leon, Community Health Educator Here at Desert AIDS Project, we understand our community has many concerns regarding the COVID19 pandemic.We can assure you that we are taking all the necessary precautions to protect our community’s health. All patients…

Se ofrecen pruebas gratuitas y confidenc …

April 21, 2020

Se ofrecen pruebas gratuitas y confidenciales de VIH y Hepatitis C en nueva unidad móvilby Ruth Diaz De Leon, Community Health Educator En Desert AIDS Project, entendemos que nuestra comunidad tiene muchas preocupaciones por  la pandemia de la COVID19, pero podemos asegurarles que estamos tomando todas las precauciones necesarias para proteger la salud de nuestra…